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Pelvic Stability and the Lumbar Spine

a one day workshop with Gareth Davies

Date:  TBC:  Please call to register your interest in this workshop

Time :   10am - 5pm 

Venue:  Alliance Therapy Carmarthen, 24 King  Street, Carmarthen 


Cost £70   (deposit of £20 secures your place)


This workshop examines the role of pelvic stability in lumbar back problems.


It will start with a review of the skeletal adn muscular structures associated with the lumbar spine, pelvis and sacro-iliac joint. 


Then there will be a theoretical examination of the functional relationship of the relevant muscles that control and operate the pelvic region during sitting, standing and walking. 


The next part of the workshop will concentrate on the practical, static and functional assessment ofthese muscles and joints and their inter-relationship.  


Finally, a series of rehabilitation exercises will be detailed and practiced sot hat identified muscle shortages and weaknesses can be treated and corrected. 


If you want to develop your functional assessment skills and further you knowledge of muscle function and co-ordination, this is the course for you. 


Workshop objectives:

  • Critically examine the musculo-skeletal anatomy of the pelvis and lumbar spine

  • Review muscle structure and function

  • Examine the functional relationship of relevant muscles during everyday activities

  • Carry out static tests to evaluate relevant muscles

  • Carry out funtional tests to evaluate relevant muscles and their inter-relationship

  • Practice rehabilitation exercises that can be used to provide specifc after care advice


To book this workshop please email Gareth :

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