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Core Units to Complementary Therapy Diploma

As a part of the Diploma in Massage, Diploma in Reflexology* and the Diploma in Aromatherapy you will be required to complete three core units in addition to the unit  studied in the specific subject.  


These 3 core units are:

Anatomy and Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies - which is covered on a separate page


Principles and Practice of Complementary Therapy 

This unit is a generic unit of study to cover all the under pinning knowledge necessary to practice with confidence, knowledge and understanding of the correct protocols and background to the industry.  


Content included is:

Consultation and Treatment Planning

Health and Safety in Clinical Practice

History of Complementary Therapy and all commonly available complementary and alternative therapies

Legal obligations of working with clients and the general public

Codes of Practice and Ethics

Roles of Professional organisations related to complementary medicine

Professional Referral

Record Keeping 

Effective Communication Skills



Business Practice for Complementary Therapies

This unit prepares the student for the real world of work within the complementary therapy industry.  It covers all aspects of becoming a self-employed therapist or working in a partnership.  You will have the opportunity to research, explore and develop in a practical way - business materials for promotion of your business and also develop a personalised business plan. 


Content included is:

Legal requirements for running a business

Employment opportunities in the complementary therapy industry

Marketing and promotion

Different business types and research of potential business opportunities

Development of a personal business plan


To cover all the evidence required for these units it will be necessary for candidates to complete work for their final portfolio of evidence for the qualification they are studying, after the weekend and then submit this work for marking at an agreed later date. 


Dates:    18th and 19th April 

Venue: Alliance Therapy Carmarthen

Cost:   £80   - deposit £30 payable in advance







*  for the 2015 Diploma in Reflexology Course - these units are covered within the course dates already 

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